Saturday, November 17, 2007


I sent out the invites for the Auction via email for a whole lot of Artists. I hope it will generates some interest. I just learned that the Humane Society's Auction (which to we always donate one of our own piece) will be on April 26th. Bummer. I think ours will be a couple days earlier then that. Good thing I have not picked a date yet, because that would have been my choice as well. The last Saturday in April.
I still hope some Artists will be interested in our cause as well. If the event will be successful I would like to hold it every year to help more families and kids in need....

I am really lethargic today. Beth is in the hospital, having gall bladder surgery tomorrow and on Monday. Some procedure tomorrow, removal on Monday. Hope she will be OK.

I am seriosuly doubting that we will fundraise enough money to cover the country mandatory donation part...Some other countries are only asking $3000.00!!! Why is this a lot more??

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